In-Depth Consultation & Underlying Causes

By uncovering the causes of the Earth’s sicknesses, the human community can choose the right treatment for the health of our planet and all who inhabit the Earth.  WE can still breath life back into our planet!

The planet’s sustainable resources are being depleted and this crisis is calling for change. The dangers and opportunities being presented in the world at this time are crucial and this crisis is a symptom of a much larger problem; the current state of our consciousness.  This condition of global emergency is our call to action.  

Creating conscious transformational change by thinking globally and acting locally is our opportunity to address the very root of the concern that is causing the unsustainability.

Eastern vs. Western Medical Approach 

The development of medicine in Western nations follows the way of hypothetical deduction and the Eastern approach uses the inductive method. The Western approach clearly divides the health from the disease, yet the Eastern approach considers health as a balanced state versus disease as an unbalanced state.  The Western approach to tends to change the environment and the Eastern way is to prefer to adapt to the environment.


With western medicine, a patient goes to the doctor and gets evaluated based on a symptom or problem.  The doctor’s work usually revolves around focusing only on that problem or symptom.  Tests that are run and diagnostic procedures all relate to that specific problem to come up with an etiology, or medical diagnosis, of what’s wrong.  Often, consideration is not given to other body systems that may or may not be contribuing to the problem or symptom.

But this is different with eastern medicine or TCM.  When a patient goes to the TCM doctor with a problem or symptom, they evaluate all the patient’s body systems to determine the “health” level of each one—individually.  This is because they operate from the premise that every body system, healthy or non-healthy, affects and is effected by all the others.  In other words, the body’s systems are all“integrated” together, and none is isolated by itself.  Like your car, if the cooling system goes haywire, it may very well affect the way your cylinders function, or your transmission, causing them to also malfunction or breakdown.

For clarification, by body systems I am referring to these: the nervous system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, the integumentary system, the endocrine system, and so on.  Each body system consists of many parts.  For example, the nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body, the digestive system consists of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines.  In order for the digestive system to operate, it must have help from the nervous system, the endocrine system, the circulatory system, and so on.  Each system is not a closed system within itself, but interacts with all the others in a symbiotic give-and-take to make the whole body work in a healthy fashion.